when we face out about some kind of fact in our life, we will face it into two kinds of expression, the first is attempting fact and denying fact.
what is attempting fact? yes we must do realize that something happen is based on the truth and it happened. we realize that and give such kind of agreement. below are such kind of attempting fact expression;
"It is true that.... "
"yes i do that...... "
"of course it happened....."
however, when the fact is not appropriate we can deny it. when it can not be trusted and there is not any kinds of evidences. below are the expression of denying fact:
"it is not true...."
no, it never happen..."
no, i do not do that...."
but actually in daily conversation we always do another kinds of expression to attempting or denying fact. of course we must see the condition and who are our addressee.
sources: compulated from many resources.
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